Francis Beckett

Here in Barnet, I've just had a letter from my three Conservative councillors.

They tell me the Council can't any longer give any financial help to Avenue House - a much valued local amenity, with pleasant grounds which on fine weekends are full of families relaxing. Without money, the building and grounds will swiftly become unusable through lack of upkeep.


So they ask if we will please donate money.

There's a dreadful irony in getting this plea from our councillors, who had the power to ensure that Avenue House did not have to beg. This is what their Party's big society is about. Get rid of state funding - who wants nanny state catering for all our needs? - and then pass round the begging bowl.

Charitable money is just as bureaucratic, and far more expensive to raise, than public taxation.  And it's much less fair - only the philanthropic cough up.

I'd far rather pay a penny more on council tax than be asked to throw money into a begging bowl.  How about it, councillors Eva Greenspan, Graham Old and Daniel Thomas?