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War in Iraq: one of three worst foreign policy decisions in last 100 years
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The decision to go to war in Iraq ranks alongside Anthony Eden's decision to go to war over Suez, and Neville Chamberlain's deal with Hitler in 1938, as one of the three worst foreign policy decisions of the last 100 years.
But neither Eden nor Chamberlain subsequently profited by their action. Neither of them went around the region selling their consultancy services after they left Downing Street
Blair did. One of the earliest clients of Tony Blair Associates was Kuwait, which showed its gratitude to Mr Blair with an estimated £27 million contract. Subsequent TBA clients have included other Middle Eastern countries which were also glad about his decision.
As Chilcot made clear, Blair's subservience to President George Bush was absolute and abject - and for that, too, he has been rewarded. He was appointed Middle East Envoy for the Quartet - the UN, the US, the EU and Russia - at President Bush's urging; and Bush, as David Hencke, Nick Kochan and I make clear in our book Blair Inc, told aides he was doing it because he owed Blair for his support over Iraq.
This job enabled Blair to tout his consultancy wares around the Middle East, while conducting Quartet business.
Blair's subservience towards Bush is mercilessly exposed by Chilcot. It's in sad contract to an earlier Labour Prime Minister, Harold Wilson, who refused President Lyndon Johnson's forceful demands that he should commit troops in Vietnam.